Associate Professor of EnglishLocation:
Gregory 111Email: judelson@ejly.net
Educational History:
B.A., Individualized Study, New York University; M.F.A., Creative Writing, The City College of New York; Ph.D., University of Louisville, Rhetoric & Composition
Fields of Expertise:
Rhetoric & Composition
- Literate Development
- Disciplinarity
- Style
- Pedagogy
- Creative Writing Studies
- Qualitative Methods
Creative Writing
- Primarily short fiction, but also comics
Professional Highlights:
Udelson, Jon. “Point of Departures: Composition and Creative Writing’s Shared Stylistic Values.” Style and the Future of Composition Studies, edited by Paul Butler, Brian Ray, and Star Medzerian Vanguri. Utah State UP / UP of Colorado. Forthcoming.
Wysocki, Rick, Jon Udelson, Caitlin E. Ray, Jessica Newman, Laura Sceniak Matravers, Ashanka Kumari, Layne M.P. Gordon, Khirsten L. Echols, Michelle Day, Michael Baumann, Sara P. Alvarez, and Danielle Nicole DeVoss. “On Multimodality: A Multivocal Manifesto.” Bridging the Gap: Multimodality in Theory and Practice, edited by Santosh Khadka and Jennifer Lee. Logan: Utah State UP. 2019
Alvarez, Sara P., Michael Baumann, Michelle Day, Khirsten L. Echols, Layne M.P. Gordon, Ashanka Kumari, Laura Sceniak Matravers, Jessica Newman, Amy McCleese Nichols, Caitlin E. Ray, Jon Udelson, Rick Wysocki, and Danielle Nicole DeVoss. “On Multimodal Composing.” Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy, vol. 21, no. 2, http://kairos.technorhetoric.
Udelson, Jon. “Regarding the Selfie: Excellences & Perfections and the Implications of Pain” in MASH: A Journal of Media, Arts, and Humanities. Spring 2016, http://mediaartshumanities.
Udelson, Jon. “Out & Elsewhere” in Juked. Ed. Ryan Ridge. January 2019.
Udelson, Jon. “Garret” in The Ampersand Review. Ed. Jason Cook. October 2013.
Udelson, Jon. “The Twelfth Remember” in The Baltimore Review yearly anthology. Ed. Barbara Westwood Diehl. July 2013. 175-186.
Udelson, Jon. “The Twelfth Remember” in The Baltimore Review. Ed. Barbara Westwood Diehl. Winter 2013.
Udelson, Jon. Arabic Tattoos. Mark Batty Publisher, 2008.
Udelson, Jon. “Origins of a Magazine: The Birth of PEEL.” In PEEL: Art of the Sticker. Mark Batty Publisher, 2008.
Udelson, Jon. “Eva” in Fiction Magazine. Ed. Mark Mirsky. Volume 20 #2, 2007.
Udelson, Jon. “idiot” in [sic] literary journal. Ed. Veronica Liu. Volume 1, 2006.
Udelson, Jon. “To Be a Story Animal: The Disciplinary Becomings of Formally-Trained Creative Writers.” Journal of Creative Writing Studies. (Revise and resubmit.)
Personal Highlights:
Married to my lovely wife Hilary. We have a perfect greyhound named Tulip.