Mentor a Student
Students at Shenandoah are preparing right now for a career like yours!
Mentor a student in person or virtually. Provide them with valuable first-hand knowledge about what they can expect in their chosen career path.
Allow a student to shadow you in your place of work. This is a great way for them to see if your career is a good fit for them!
Help Welcome New Hornets to Campus
Move-In Day kicks off each new year at SU when the Shenandoah Community welcomes hundreds of new students! Teams of Shenandoah faculty, staff, students and alumni welcome these new Hornets by unloading their vehicles and carrying their boxes and bags to their rooms.
The day is filled with a lot of hard work, Shenandoah Spirit, and celebrating the SU family! Come help us unload cars! You can also avoid the heavy lifting by checking in cars, directing cars to their residence halls, being a friendly face welcoming a new student to your old room, helping at Convocation or more!

Join An SU Community Service Effort
The Winchester Area Temporary Thermal Shelter (WATTS) provides a warm place to stay and a hot meal to those who would otherwise be out on the streets in the cold winter months. The Shenandoah family volunteers serving meals every Sunday evening from November through March!
Throughout the year, SU hosts Rise Against Hunger events where the Shenandoah family packs over 20,000 meals to feed people around the world that are in need!
Come join us at these or many other community service opportunities!